Russian people love myths. They love to tell centuries old myths to their children and to create a new ones. All myths are truth of past that has been retold and transformed by many generations. It was common that historical fact has become a fantastic myth, with exciting detailes like in a thrilling detective. The same have happened with famous Russian toy- matreshka.
Matreshka is the famous and most popular Russian suveniour, this is one of the facts about Russia. Tourist from all over the world love this big eyes beauties in colorful dresses. Matreshka and its big family- is a symbol of a wide Russian soul, bright symbol of national culture. It is not only a nice toy but also a storeroom of memories about country and your visit Russia.
The name of matreshka is coming from Matrena, which from Latin means grand lady. There is a myth that if you put a note with a wish inside of it, wish will of course come true. And the more skillfull, with higher quolity it is crafted, the faster a dream will come true. Taking into concideration that there are usually 10 more matreshka inside the first one, you can wish all you can, and just wait till it will come true.
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